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 Source Author Year Full name Publisher data Language(s) Code(s) Description Link
Callaghan 1984Callaghan, Catherine A.
Plains Miwok dictionary. (University of California publications in linguistics; v. 105).Berkeley / Los Angeles / London: University of California Press.Miwok, Plainsmiw-plmA dictionary of Plains Miwok with grammatical information and example sentences.
Chafe 1967Chafe, Wallace L.
Seneca Morphology and Dictionary.Washington: Smithsonian Press.Senecanir-sncA dictionary of Seneca with extensive morphological and morphophonological information, but without textual examples.
Claesson 2016aClaesson, Kenneth
Notas sobre el vocabulario 'weenhayek.Ms.Wichí, Noctenmat-wnhA dictionary of Nocten Wichí.
Freeland & Broadbent 1960Freeland, L. S.; Broadbent, Sylvia M.
Central Sierra Miwok dictionary with texts. (University of California publications in linguistics; v. 23).Berkeley, Los Angeles: University of California Press; London: Cambridge University Press.Miwok, Central Sierramiw-ssmA dictionary of Central Sierra Miwok, accompanied by a collection of texts.
Gutiérrez & Osornio 2015Gutiérrez, Marcos; Osornio, María Elina López
Diccionario Wichi.Buenos Aires: Editorial Dunken.Wichí, Güisnaymat-wwzA dictionary of Wichí as spoken in Misión Chaqueña. The dialectal differences are sometimes indicated.
Hart 1988Hart, Helen
Diccionario chayahuita-castellano. Canponanquë nisha nisha nonacaso'.Lima: Instituto Lingüístico de Verano. Serie Lingüística Peruana No. 29.Shawikwp-chyA dictionary of Shawi with a short grammatical description; some entries are accompanied by examples.
Patte 2011Patte, Marie-France
La langue arawak de Guyane. Présentation historique et dictionnaires arawak-français et français-arawak.Marseille: IRD Éditions, Collection Didactiques.Lokonomar-lokA dictionary of Lokono.
Sapir & Swadesh 1960Sapir, Edward; Swadesh, Morris
Yana Dictionary. Ed. by Mary R. Haas.University of California Publications in Linguistics, Volume 22. Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press.Yana, Northern; Yana, Central; Yahiyan-nya; yan-cya; yan-yahA dictionary compiled by Morris Swadesh on the basis of Edward Sapir’s lexical files. Includes data from Northern Yana, Central Yana and Yahi, collected by Sapir in the course of his fieldwork in the first two decades of the XXth century.
Turner & Turner 1971Turner, Paul; Turner, Shirley
Chontal to Spanish-English Spanish to Chontal Dictionary.Tucson, Arizona: The University of Arizona Press.Chontal, Highland Oaxacateq-hchA dictionary of Highland Chontal. Textual examples in the dictionary seem to be constructed by the authors rather than taken from real texts.
Patte 2008Patte, Marie-France
Parlons Arawak. Une langue amérindienne dʼAmazonie.Paris: LʼHarmattan.Lokonomar-lokA didactic grammar of Lokono as spoken in French Guyana accompanied with a vocabulary.
Bender 19833Bender, M. Lionel
Proto-Koman Phonology and Lexicon.In: Afrika und Übersee, 66, pp. 259-297.Kwama; Opo; Komo; Uduk; Gulekom-kwm; kom-opo; kom-kmo; kom-udu; kom-gulA first attempt at reconstructing the phonology and select basic and cultural lexicon of Proto-Koman. The paper contains rich lexical material on most of the known Koman languages, collected by the author himself, although the quality of notation is far from ideal.
Alekseev 1994Alekseev, M. E.
Budukh.In: R. Smeets. The Indigenous Languages of the Caucasus, vol. 4. Caravan Books, pp. 259-296.Budukhlez-bdkA grammar sketch of Budukh.
Almeida et al. 1983Almeida, Antônio; Irmãzinhas de Jesus; Luiz Gouvêa de Paula
A língua Tapirapé.Rio de Janeiro: Biblioteca Reprográfica Xerox.Tapirapétpg-tapA grammar of Tapirapé accompanied by a glossary.
Authier 2009Authier, G.
Grammaire kryz (langue caucasique d'Azerbaïdjan, dialecte d'Alik).Leuven/Paris: Peeters.Kryts, Alyklez-kraA grammar of the Alyk dialect of Kryts.
Broadbent 1964Broadbent, Sylvia M.
The Southern Sierra Miwok language. (University of California publications in linguistics; v. 38).Berkeley / Los Angeles: University of California Press.Miwok, Southern Sierramiw-ssmA grammar and dictionary of Southern Sierra Miwok, accompanied by a collection of texts.
Dirr 1903Дирр, А. М.
Грамматика удинского языка. Сборник материалов для описания местностей и племен Кавказа, вып. 33..Тифлис.Udi, Vartashenlez-udvA grammar of the Vartashen dialect of Udi.
Dirr 1907Дирр, А. М.
Агульский язык. Сборник материалов для описания местностей и племен Кавказа, вып. 37.Тифлис.Aghul, Gequnlez-aggA grammar of the Gequn (Burkikhan) dialect of the Aghul language, supplemented by texts and a glossary.
Dirr 1908Дирр, А. М.
Арчинский язык. Сборник материалов для описания местностей и племен Кавказа, вып. 39.Тифлис.Archilez-aqcA grammar of the Archi language, supplemented by texts and a glossary.
Dirr 1912Дирр, А. М.
Рутульский язык. Сборник материалов для описания местностей и племен Кавказа, вып. 42.Тифлис.Rutul, Mukhadlez-rumA grammar of the Mukhad dialect of Rutul, supplemented by texts and a glossary (the latter also includes some forms from the Shinaz dialect under the siglum "Ш.").
Dirr 1913Дирр, А. М.
Цахурский язык. [The Tsakhur Language].Тифлис.Tsakhur, Mikiklez-tkyA grammar of the Mikik dialect of the Tsakhur language, supplemented by texts and a glossary.
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